As Halloween approaches here are some spooky eye facts:


  • The Cornea Can survive without blood: The cornea, the outermost layer of the eye,  lacks blood vessels, receiving nutrients and oxygen directly from tears and aqueous humor.
  • The Blind Spot: Each eye has a blind spot where the optic nerve exits the retina. Your brain compensates for this blind spot by filling in the missing information, creating an illusion.
  • Phantom Limb Sensation: After losing an eye, some people experience “phantom eye” sensations, similar to the more commonly known “phantom limb” phenomenon in amputees.
  • Visual Snow: Some people have a condition called “visual snow,” where they see what looks like visual noise superimposed over their normal vision, making for a spooky and unsettling experience.

More Spooky Eye Facts!


  • Optic Illusions: Optical illusions like the “hollow mask illusion” can make a concave object (like the inside of a mask) appear convex and spooky.
  • Brain Tumors:  Brain tumors can cause unsettling visual hallucinations.  This is called Charles Bonnet Syndrome.
  • Red-Eye Effect: The red-eye effect in photos occurs when the flash reflects off the blood vessels in the retina, giving a creepy, glowing appearance to the eyes.
  • Mirror Gazing: Staring into a mirror in a dimly lit room might reveal spooky or supernatural phenomena, leading to the creation of the Bloody Mary legend.
  • Parasitic Eye Worms: Certain parasitic worms can infect the human eye, leading to visual disturbances and discomfort. A horrifying thought, even if it’s relatively rare.
  • Ghost Images: The “Palinopsia” phenomenon can make previously seen images linger in your vision, creating ghostly and unsettling visuals.
  • Heterochromia: Heterochromia is a condition where a person’s eyes are different colors, which can be striking and eerie.

These spooky aspects of the human eye can certainly make it a subject of fascination and sometimes even fear. 
